
December 14, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from…FDNY Pro Firefighter Peter Kenney

Rig placement can set the tone at a fire. The importance of the first-arriving companies positioning their rigs correctly cannot be over-emphasized. Communication plays a significant role in this. With proper training and planning, members should anticipate and be prepared for what “could happen” when positioning […]
December 8, 2016

Firefighter Shot in Post-Operations Ambush

A Youngstown, Ohio fire officer was shot in the leg as several rounds passed through the front door of his engine apparatus while the crew was taking up from a vacant house fire on Monday night. Members of Engine Co. 7 told police that they saw someone open fire in a driveway as they travelled […]

December 8, 2016

FDNY Overcomes Water Loss at Manhattan Two-Alarm Fire

View the WNYF article linked below to read about this challenging incident, during which units overcame wind conditions and an out-of-service standpipe to extinguish a difficult fire. WNYF, 2nd/2011 issue: FDNY Overcomes Water Loss at Manhattan Two-Alarm Fire During the mid-afternoon on December 10, 2010, units were faced with many obstacles to overcome during a […]

December 1, 2016

‘Black Friday’ Violence Comes a Day Early

The shopping frenzy that unfolds on the day after Thanksgiving was again marred by deadly violence this year, as two people were killed and another two were injured in shopping-related shootings in three different states…all before “Black Friday” even began. All three shootings occurred on Thanksgiving night as crowds frantically flooded the stores that began […]

November 30, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from FDNY Pro Firefighter Anthony Caterino

This is certainly the case for FAST Unit Operations. Although our purpose as Firefighters is to save civilian lives and protect property, when a fellow Firefighter becomes the person in danger and in need of rescue, the FAST Unit procedures that we implement will aid in […]
November 28, 2016

Blog: Facebook Data Raises Flag, Responders Should take Note

The integrity of Facebook data came under scrutiny recently, both as it relates to user performance metrics, as well as the accuracy of its content. According to reports, an internal audit at Facebook uncovered inaccuracies in several key metrics designed to measure the impact of user content, such as the number and duration of views, which […]

November 23, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from FDNY Pro Deputy Chief Michael McLaughlin and Division Chief Christine Mazzola

Research indicates that effective routines shift activities in the brain from the active thinking areas, to the “auto-pilot” regions of the brain. This leaves the active thinking areas with more capability to process unique, non-routine information. Many of the Department’s protocols and procedures are intended to […]
November 21, 2016

Blog: Fire in a Tenement with a Penthouse Addition

This Blog post is written to recap a fire involving a penthouse added onto the roof of a non-fireproof multiple dwelling and discuss some unique challenges that this feature presented. We encourage readers to review the full article in WNYF’s second issue of 2010. Manhattan Box 1192 On August 6, 2009, first-alarm units responding to East 90th […]

December 14, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from…FDNY Pro Firefighter Peter Kenney

Rig placement can set the tone at a fire. The importance of the first-arriving companies positioning their rigs correctly cannot be over-emphasized. Communication plays a significant role in this. With proper training and planning, members should anticipate and be prepared for what “could happen” when positioning […]
December 8, 2016

Firefighter Shot in Post-Operations Ambush

A Youngstown, Ohio fire officer was shot in the leg as several rounds passed through the front door of his engine apparatus while the crew was taking up from a vacant house fire on Monday night. Members of Engine Co. 7 told police that they saw someone open fire in a driveway as they travelled […]

December 8, 2016

FDNY Overcomes Water Loss at Manhattan Two-Alarm Fire

View the WNYF article linked below to read about this challenging incident, during which units overcame wind conditions and an out-of-service standpipe to extinguish a difficult fire. WNYF, 2nd/2011 issue: FDNY Overcomes Water Loss at Manhattan Two-Alarm Fire During the mid-afternoon on December 10, 2010, units were faced with many obstacles to overcome during a […]

December 1, 2016

‘Black Friday’ Violence Comes a Day Early

The shopping frenzy that unfolds on the day after Thanksgiving was again marred by deadly violence this year, as two people were killed and another two were injured in shopping-related shootings in three different states…all before “Black Friday” even began. All three shootings occurred on Thanksgiving night as crowds frantically flooded the stores that began […]

November 30, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from FDNY Pro Firefighter Anthony Caterino

This is certainly the case for FAST Unit Operations. Although our purpose as Firefighters is to save civilian lives and protect property, when a fellow Firefighter becomes the person in danger and in need of rescue, the FAST Unit procedures that we implement will aid in […]
November 28, 2016

Blog: Facebook Data Raises Flag, Responders Should take Note

The integrity of Facebook data came under scrutiny recently, both as it relates to user performance metrics, as well as the accuracy of its content. According to reports, an internal audit at Facebook uncovered inaccuracies in several key metrics designed to measure the impact of user content, such as the number and duration of views, which […]

November 23, 2016

#WednesdayWisdom from FDNY Pro Deputy Chief Michael McLaughlin and Division Chief Christine Mazzola

Research indicates that effective routines shift activities in the brain from the active thinking areas, to the “auto-pilot” regions of the brain. This leaves the active thinking areas with more capability to process unique, non-routine information. Many of the Department’s protocols and procedures are intended to […]
November 21, 2016

Blog: Fire in a Tenement with a Penthouse Addition

This Blog post is written to recap a fire involving a penthouse added onto the roof of a non-fireproof multiple dwelling and discuss some unique challenges that this feature presented. We encourage readers to review the full article in WNYF’s second issue of 2010. Manhattan Box 1192 On August 6, 2009, first-alarm units responding to East 90th […]