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July 26, 2021
In most cases, FDNY EMS members have the tools, training and equipment to respond daily to all sorts of emergencies throughout the city. But, occasionally the men and women of FDNY EMS are forced to improvise or make split second decisions to save a life. Despite […]
June 16, 2021
Each June the Department commemorates Safety Week by picking a theme and sharing information on a specified topic for all bureaus and units to focus and collaborate on. Run by the FDNY Safety Command, the goal is to increase awareness and ensure safe operations for all […]
May 18, 2021
The entire world was introduced to a highly infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus known as COVID-19 and New York City quickly felt its wrath. From the outset in early 2020, the #FDNY’s Bureau of EMS Operations was faced with monumental challenges. Assistant Chiefs […]
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September 27, 2022
As the attacks on the World Trade Center were carried out, most people viewed the collapses from the outside in. However, on September 11, 2001, then-Captain John “Jay” Jonas and five of his firefighters from Ladder Co. 6 were descending Stairwell B with injured civilian, Josephine […]
August 30, 2022
Ladder Company 41 arrived first on-scene to fire and smoke pushing out the windows of a seven-story, fireproof multiple dwelling in the Bronx. Lieutenant Patrick Twomey, Firefighter Rob Rivera and Firefighter James Soutar discuss this challenging operation, which involved scaffolding surrounding the building and an aggressive […]