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June 14, 2024

S09, E102 Responding to cardiac calls with FDNY Paramedics Jonathan Morel and Maggie Studsrud

Cardiac arrest calls can be one of the most intense call-types emergency medical services members respond to. Often times they are emotionally heightened and require hyper-focus when performing skills and administering medications. FDNY paramedics Jonathan Morel and Maggie Studsrud discuss, with host Captain Randy Li, their […]
May 22, 2024

S09, E101 FDNY subway operations and power removal considerations with Battalion Chief Bill Ventura

The New York City subway system is the oldest, longest and most utilized public transportation system in the nation, with 472 stations in operation and more than 2 billion riders in 2023. With these massive numbers come numerous responses for the FDNY throughout the system. Most incidents are minor in […]