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July 28, 2023

S08, E92 Emergency Medical Care in an Elevator Shaft with Lieutenant Shlomo Winkler and Paramedic Kira Watkins

In December 2022, two people plummeted five stories down an elevator shaft at the Bronx Terminal Market. Lieutenant Shlomo Winkler, then a Rescue Paramedic, and Paramedic Watkins, together with numerous on-scene units, worked to treat and free the patient trapped beneath the elevator car. Winkler and […]
June 30, 2023

S08, E91 Evolution of Fighting Wind-Impacted Fires in New York City with FDNY Battalion Chief Gerald Tracy (Retired)

Some of the most difficult fires FDNY members face are wind impacted fires. It’s been more than two decades since the Department began studying the impact of wind in high rise building fires which ultimately led to current protocols, procedures, and equipment developed to help fight […]
May 26, 2023

S08, E90 Neonatal Resuscitation: A Vital Response and Emotional Reunion with FDNY EMTs Silverio Moreno and Johnathan Rivera

On August 24, 2020, during the midst of the COVID pandemic outbreak in New York City, Tracy Harris began having severe abdominal pain that prompted her to call 9-1-1 for help. Just prior to EMS arrival, she realized that she was in full active labor (23 weeks […]

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