S09, E103 Safety considerations at low-intake high-exhaust fires impacted by wind with FDNY Chief of Safety Michael Meyers and Deputy Chief James Canty
June 21, 2024
S09, E105 Confronting a carbon monoxide emergency with Lt. Kyle Van Nostrand and Rescue Paramedics Giovanni Cummings and Sharona Hagler
August 28, 2024Ladder Company 42 responded to numerous reports of fire in a six-story, non-fireproof multiple dwelling in the Bronx on New Year’s Eve. Ladder 42’s Captain Jonathan Shields, walks us through the job in which he and his inside team, searched through heavy smoke to rescue three unconscious residents of the same family. Ultimately these saves led to his fourth trip to Medal Day, earning the inaugural medal named for Department legend Battalion Chief Thomas Neary. Deputy Chief Brian Mulry hosts.