Facebook ‘Safety Check’ Made U.S. Debut in 2016
January 12, 2017
The ‘Paperfuge’ That Diagnoses Malaria
January 19, 2017Prior to entering the building, the control Firefighter should take one last look at the line from the rig to the doorway.
Is the line in a spot where it is likely to get stuck if it is advanced? Is it positioned directly beneath a fire escape drop ladder? Is it beneath a window air conditioner or large pane of glass?
If so, take the appropriate action.
Additional arriving companies also should take a look at the line as they advance into the fire building. If it appears to be in a poor spot and likely to get caught on or crushed by something, members should be proactive and move it.
Any delay in getting a charged line into operation can have dire consequences for both members and civilians. By making the effort to avoid and overcome these common obstacles, members can get the line into position and operating as early as possible, thus reducing the risk to everyone occupying and operating in the fire building.
To read more on overcoming common street obstacles during a hand-line stretch read Lieutenant Robert Wilson’s article in the 4th/2016 edition of WNYF.